Monday, October 31, 2011

Recouping midterm points

Here are the opportunities you have to recoup points from your midterm:

On the research - research Cherokee Ballard for next week's speaker event (Nov. 9th).  On the day of the event, bring a hard copy of your work. This time, you need not give a narrative, but bullet points WITH salient information.  In other words, if you find her resume you can list that but then add to the bullet point what parts of that resume might be information you will need for a story on her.  You can get up to half of what you were counted down for the research before if you do this adequately. DUE November 9th.

On the media - come talk to me about what you needed in your midterm story.  If you correct 3 things in your short video package (the one you are doing for your blog posts), I will give you back half of the points you lost in the media. DUE before Thanksgiving week.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

3003 from here on out

This is your "to-do" list for the rest of the semester:

4 blog posts - Next week's blog post will be covering Cherokee Ballard's event on Nov. 9th, 10:30 in Hall of Fame room. BEFORE Thanksgiving, you MUST HAVE a short video (nats, soundbite, cover).  For the other  - 2 media or a small video =A, etc.  I will be grading down for bias in your writing, fact errors, less than two sources and lazy reporting.

Reading "leader" - in pairs you must present one chapter from the required reading.

Innovation presentation - teams compete to present their case studies on Knight Foundation News Challenge winners.

Final - profile or issue driven story (same as midterm), research, source list, 300 word lead in and 1:30-ish video.

Monday, September 12, 2011


MIDTERM MUST HAVES:             

1.     SOURCE LIST – minimum 4 sources (two human and two informational).[1]
a.      Human sources must have:
                                               i.      name
                                              ii.     title
1.     school year, program if student
2.     for others, a job title
3.     any other title as pertains to the story
                                            iii.     phone#
                                            iv.     website, blog if it pertains to the story
b.     Information sources must
                                               i.     be as close to the original study, facts, database as possible
                                              ii.     cited properly
1.     news article give publication, date of publication, page if a print article; url if it comes from a website
a.      Lexus Nexus is NOT a url – cite the publication
b.     Wikipedia is NOT a source to cite – use it as a first step to the original articles/studies, etc.
c.      Date, time, and location when you spoke to your human sources

2.     RESEARCH PAPER - One page write up on the background information you gathered
a.      If it is a job you want explain the industry
b.     If it is a person, research their situation (i.e. if they are living life as an amputee then research that)
c.      If it is an issue, I expect two page write up and 7 sources.

3.     COMMITMENT STATEMENT - You must send to me your commitment statement by October 7th and earlier is better. Commitment statement is: ________ is unique because ____________________.  Remember that whatever you write in the commitment statement MUST BE “proven” by the media you get in the field.

4.     LEAD IN – you must write up a 300 word short story that leads into your story. Use your informational sources in this and use the five graph to guide you.  At the end of your lead in, you must give your byline and runtime. If I did a minute 23 video I would need to add this to the end of the lead in: (VIDEO:  Julie Jones, 1:23)

5.     SLIDESHOW OR VIDEO must be at least 1:30 and no more than 2:00 long. It must have a main character that you follow and then a soundbite from the person who can best explain why that person is what they are (unique – inspiring – crazy – whatever you have in your commitment statement).  DO not forget beginnings and endings; where are you going to start this story? What will the viewer see first? Hear first? What will they see last? Hear last?

6.     DEADLINES must be met. 

[1] If it is an issue, I expect two page write up and 7 sources

Sunday, August 14, 2011


Hi everyone,
  Welcome to JMC 3003.  We have a lot to do this semester, so get ready! First, a bit of house keeping.  There are a number of locations you will be using to get files, post your assignments, and use for your stories.  Here is a basic rundown on what is where for this class.

Course materials
  • DropBox holds all course materials but code sheets. You will find the syllabus, assignments, readings, and other files here.  You should have received an invitation from me to DropBox before the first class.  
  • D2L will have posted grades. 
  • Pacesetter has a page for this class.  We will use some of these podcasts in class, but they are also there for your use outside of class. 
  • The course schedule is an ongoing creation and can be found on our Google calendar.  You will receive an invitation to this site before class as well. 
Story files
  • We share a drive on Gaylord servers for this class.  In the materials you will see it referred to as the "shared drive."  There are two folders here for you:
    • Assignment folder - will have code sheets.
    • Dropbox - is where you turn your class assignments, stories, and media files.
  • In addition, you will be posting to your blog weekly.  We use Blogger because we can link to videos without add costs. 
Production files
  • We require an external drive for this class.  We strongly recommend this drive from Other World Computing.  You should have your drive by the week after labor day.  
  • In addition to JMC 3003 shared drive, you have webspace from the college for the duration of the semester.  If you wish to keep the media on your blog up past that timeframe, you will need to buy webspace.  See me for some suggestions. 
This blog
      This blog is meant to be an overarching presence for 3003.  You will find links to materials, websites, best of the class stories, and current news that pertains to this class on the blog.  This is your first step to learning to tell stories with cameras, computers, and technology.  I intend that we use them all during the course of the semester. 

Welcome to the journey, 